
6 things you should know before you apply for a job in NZ.

The internet is full of articles that will tell you why NZ is unique and what makes this beautiful country so special but like any other country, NZ has its own culture, work environment, specialties, positives, and challenges. Like any other country, if job seekers take things for granted or focus less on preparation or try to ignore the Kiwi ways the time taken to get what they want will be comparatively more than otherwise. To help you, the ‘job seekers’, I’ve listed down 6 statements that can be the deciding factor in helping you achieve your employment goals faster. You should know what are these statements, what they could mean for you and what sort of questions you should be asking to understand their effect/s on YOUR job search plans & execution strategies. Statement 1:   The un advertised Job Market. Meaning:  There's an open discussion on the internet that talks about the unadvertised job market. Some articles claim 80% of the jobs are not advertise...

Be anyone you want.

So, you want to become an X?? Great, what next?? Thinking or dreaming about becoming X is ok but you know, just thinking and dreaming won’t be enough, you will have to do something more than that. This is where our two-step approach comes into the picture. The primary thing needed to become an X is to learn ‘how to become an X’ And the final step in learning how to become an X is To learn how to learn ‘how to become an X’. That’s it. It’s that simple. I’d say please go and learn it and keep doing it. Keep doing it, not once or twice…. Keep doing it till you get what you want. We are in 2017 and there are billions of resources available on the internet for learning anything and everything including job search. Blogs, articles, associations, experts, videos, webinars, eBooks. You just name it and these resources are all there on numerous social media platforms sharing their knowledge and expertise with you if you want. Remember, learn what’s ne...

Will I get the job?

Migrants coming to New Zealand on various visas that authorise them to conditionally or unconditionally work have just one question on their minds. Will I get the job? A question, that is responsible for all their apprehensions, fears, insecurities and in many cases sleepless nights. However, I keep telling you the difference between ‘a’ job and ‘the’ job. Migrant job seekers are looking for ‘the’ job. It’s ‘the’ job that fetches them their further visas and helps them ultimately qualify for their NZ Permanent Residencies. “Will I get ‘the’ job?”, is the question. There is a lot riding on this question, there’s so much at stake. The answer to this question will decide whether they have succeeded in their pursuit for a better lifestyle for themselves and their families, whether their decision-to-relocate for an overall convenience has paid off and whether the time, emotions and money that they invested towards achieving an exceptional work-life balance was worth or n...

No response!!

We feel bad when recruiters don’t respond to us…..right? Especially when it’s no more a cold call. It’s a situation where you’ve already had the first interaction or a meeting or an email exchange or an introduction through a common contact and suddenly everything goes quiet!! There’s no response to your follow-ups and at times there’s no response even after committing that they will respond. We feel bad!! Come to think of it, aren’t we all culprits of a similar behaviour?? Knowingly or unknowingly, we all behave in the same way with others as we claim, recruiters behave with us. We don’t respond…. We just don’t respond!! Lack of time, lack of attention, lack of purpose or it could be as simple as lack of respect!! Reason can be anything or it’s just that we don’t know ‘how to say NO’. We opt for not responding. Is it good? Just some food for your thought!! I understand, no one is perfect and that includes me. I sometimes end up missing or delaying m...

Zero + Zero = Zero!!

We have heard this phrase countless times in different shapes and forms, “Nothing plus Nothing equals Nothing”, “Nil and Naught are never sought”, “Zip and Duck Always Suck”, “Santa ke saath Banta? Babaji ka ghanta!” I am sorry the last one is in Hindi, it’s a wee bit naughty and it’s R18 but they all mean the same. If nothing is added with nothing the result will always be nothing, méiyǒu, rien , nichts , amugeosdo, kahore…. NOTHING! On the other hand, research shows we are attracted to people who look like us, behave like us, who have a similar personality type and we even tend to gravitate towards those who share our level of education. It’s true. You come to think of it what happens when you walk into a gym the very first time after you have decided to get into shape? Every step is a bit tentative, it’s so easy to get intimidated looking at those big bulky hulks pumping iron, sweating and grunting out loud. You look at their arms, legs and chest and you give a peek at y...

Political Correctness in Job Hunting.

Please email me your CV and I will get back to you!! Can you please apply through our website and someone from our team will get back to you!! Keep an eye on the job boards and please apply if you find something relevant!! We will keep your CV in our files and get back to you once we have something relevant for you!! I will share your CV with my whole team and get back to you if we have something relevant for you!! I am talking to some more candidates and hopefully, I’ll get back to you soon!! Have you heard any of these statements or anything similar from your recruiters?? 97% of the times, this means a ‘NO’!! “No, I am not interested in your profile.” Or “Please don’t waste your time, I am sure none of us in the office will be able to help you.” Or “I’m sorry but I don’t think you’re the best one we have.” Reason could be anything from your technical skills to your communication skills or from your experience to simply your attitude… but just get t...

You are an asshole!!

And so am I… In fact, all of us are assholes! Yup, I mean it. Now, before you start hurling aggressive comments towards me and pray that I rot in hell… hold your guns!! Let me try and explain what am I saying…ok? It so happened, that I met a job seeker couple of weeks back who felt recruiters are the lowest form of life on this face of the earth. They are a bunch of heartless dummies who are interested only in their commission. They don’t respond and they don’t feel the need to inform you about your rejection. They have no idea how it feels to get rejected, they are assholes. Understanding his frustration, I tried to reason with him for almost 30 minutes only to reach a conclusion that he felt even I am an asshole. (I mean, he didn’t say that out loud but I think I figured it out) He thought I was being defensive about how recruiters behave by justifying their actions. I didn’t support him and that was not what he was expecting or anticipating. I asked him some heavy hi...