Are you always out of balance?

We all know the mental & financial hardships students have to go through when they choose international studies. Being in a new environment away from their friends & families there are numerous challenges to be faced on a day-to-day basis. Studies, assignments, exams, place to stay, food, clothes & laundry, travel, internet & phone are few of the things that require immediate attention along with an aspiration to get into a part-time job as soon as possible. Most of the students are seen juggling with the resources available to get the best out of their time & every penny spent. I am glad to see many have taken these challenges heads-on and have won the game because of their determination, discipline, analytical approach and logical prioritization. They were quick to learn what is important to be successful in the foreign land, they understood why it is important and they prioritized their actions revolving this core. They were intelligent & discipl...