Are you a job hopper?

Let’s get some numbers and figures out of the way before we hit the topic. OK? 9 out of every 10 international students are keen on starting a part-time job with-in couple of weeks of their arrival in New Zealand. As we know the ‘Student Visa’ authorizes the candidates to work 20hrs/week till the time they are studying. Just in case if you are wondering what’s happening with that 1 student out of every 10 in our example above? Well, some of the students come here just to study and go back to their home countries or they are not interested to take up any job while they are studying!!! Their choice More than 7 out of these 9 students get their first break with-in couple of months. Interestingly, 5 out of these 7 actively look for other jobs as soon as they get their first job and almost 2 to 3 out of 5 get the honour of being job-hoppers . The number would have been more if the market conditions were a little upbeat. I have had the pleasure of knowing those who have had 4...