Smile please... or be an Alien!!!

Hmmm….So, you have smiled 5 times today. At 5 dollars per smile, that will be a total of 25 Dollars. Please deposit the money to ISD as soon as you can!!!! Failure to pay on time attracts a penalty of 10% per day. I am assuming this is how an alien reports to his/her master. ALIENS??? Yes!!! These aliens are amongst us, very much camouflaged amongst us humans. Like we see in the movies….. and the first movie that comes to my mind is ‘Men in Black’. The easiest way to indentify these aliens is…..they just wouldn’t SMILE!! Why? Because their master charges them$5 dollars per smile and they are supposed to deposit the money to ‘Inland Smile Department’ just like we humans deposit our taxes to ‘Inland Revenue Department’ (IRD) These aliens come in all shapes and sizes and of late something really interesting happened that has driven me to throw some light on this species that are growing in numbers. Yes, also at times we humans don’t smile and understandabl...