New Zealand is Pathetic!!

Ya, we all know John F. Kennedy once said " Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country ." I know as an international student coming to New Zealand, you might feel, “What’s there in it for me?” Or “I mean, why should I even consider what John said, I am not in the US…?” Or “John..??? Who is this John guy???” Or “Man… I have got so much to worry about in my life and here we are talking about John!!” Guys, I am not here to give you some lessons on patriotism using what John F. Kennedy said after winning his presidential elections in the US in the year 1961 but yes, I would like to use this famous quote from his speech as a backdrop to explain one common personality trait that has been observed in all those international students who struggle to get what they aspired for in their careers. They all know… and without doubt… they know what they WANT It’s a shame that none of them know wha...