Tip # 3 | Top 5 tips for international students in NZ

Let's look at the same old classic lecturer-in-the-class-asking-question case!! When a question is asked, even if you know the answer, you prefer to be a quite spectator. Is it because of your habit or are you an introvert? Or is it simply a case of lack of interest? Just to let you know; this fear, shyness, anxiety or procrastination can hold you back in almost all the areas of your life including your career. As they say, 'to make an omelet, you have to break the shell' similarly, 'to become more than an individual with hidden potential, the shell, the protective prison has to be broken'. Your shell is stopping you from showcasing the real you to the outside world. As a result comes the Tip # 3 # 3 Break out of your shell Only after the egg's protective shell is broken the potential of what lies inside is met. Whether its fate is to serve someone by supplying nutrients or to live its own life; it must shed the shell!! How?? Make friends...