NZ’s DIY VS India’s Jugaad – so close, yet so far!!

Every Indian, when they hear the word “Jugaad” will have a smile on their face. Click on this link to see how jugaad is done but on a serious note click on this link to see how jugaad mentality can do wonders. Born and brought up in an environment where resources are limited with a cut-throat competition and socio-economic challenges at every step in our personal / professional life; we’ve unknowingly mastered the art of Jugaad!! We’ve grown knowing Jugaad is the trick of life. Let’s accept it guys… and let’s shout out loud; Indians are kings of Jugaad!!! As a consultant, I focus on migrants from various countries who are searching for jobs in New Zealand. However, if you asked a question, why jugaad? Why am I talking only India? The answer is simple…. Because, I am an Indian. That said, the idea called jugaad in India is known as “zizhu chuangxin” in China, “gambiarra” in Brazil and “jua kali” in Kenya. The English translation might be DIY o...