You are an asshole!!

And so am I… In fact, all of us are assholes! Yup, I mean it. Now, before you start hurling aggressive comments towards me and pray that I rot in hell… hold your guns!! Let me try and explain what am I saying…ok? It so happened, that I met a job seeker couple of weeks back who felt recruiters are the lowest form of life on this face of the earth. They are a bunch of heartless dummies who are interested only in their commission. They don’t respond and they don’t feel the need to inform you about your rejection. They have no idea how it feels to get rejected, they are assholes. Understanding his frustration, I tried to reason with him for almost 30 minutes only to reach a conclusion that he felt even I am an asshole. (I mean, he didn’t say that out loud but I think I figured it out) He thought I was being defensive about how recruiters behave by justifying their actions. I didn’t support him and that was not what he was expecting or anticipating. I asked him some heavy hi...