Political Correctness in Job Hunting.

Please email me your CV and I will get back to you!! Can you please apply through our website and someone from our team will get back to you!! Keep an eye on the job boards and please apply if you find something relevant!! We will keep your CV in our files and get back to you once we have something relevant for you!! I will share your CV with my whole team and get back to you if we have something relevant for you!! I am talking to some more candidates and hopefully, I’ll get back to you soon!! Have you heard any of these statements or anything similar from your recruiters?? 97% of the times, this means a ‘NO’!! “No, I am not interested in your profile.” Or “Please don’t waste your time, I am sure none of us in the office will be able to help you.” Or “I’m sorry but I don’t think you’re the best one we have.” Reason could be anything from your technical skills to your communication skills or from your experience to simply your attitude… but just get t...