Zero + Zero = Zero!!

We have heard this phrase countless times in different shapes and forms, “Nothing plus Nothing equals Nothing”, “Nil and Naught are never sought”, “Zip and Duck Always Suck”, “Santa ke saath Banta? Babaji ka ghanta!” I am sorry the last one is in Hindi, it’s a wee bit naughty and it’s R18 but they all mean the same. If nothing is added with nothing the result will always be nothing, méiyǒu, rien , nichts , amugeosdo, kahore…. NOTHING! On the other hand, research shows we are attracted to people who look like us, behave like us, who have a similar personality type and we even tend to gravitate towards those who share our level of education. It’s true. You come to think of it what happens when you walk into a gym the very first time after you have decided to get into shape? Every step is a bit tentative, it’s so easy to get intimidated looking at those big bulky hulks pumping iron, sweating and grunting out loud. You look at their arms, legs and chest and you give a peek at y...