I’ve bought my job-offer!!

Said no immigrant job seeker ever!!

However, we all know that the transactions are taking place. Money is being DEMANDED, money is being OFFERED and money is being ACCEPTED in broad daylight and jobs are being SOLD.

You know it, I know it and I am sure even the Government and the authorities know it, but the problem is you and I can’t prove it and I doubt if the Government has the intentions and resources to prove it as well. That said, we should expect some movement as this (2017) is the election year in New Zealand but employers who are involved in all this are so beautifully covered and have found exceptional ways to work around the laws, that they are almost untouchable. They are making a mockery of the system, abusing their privileges and laughing their way to their banks. Their books and records are perfect and yes, you guessed it right… the transactions ARE taking place!!

Since no one can prove the foul play, hence it’s proved that they are doing nothing wrong! Also since the giver and taker are both parties to it, things are happening quietly and conveniently. What comes to notice is when the deal goes bad or when the employers get too complacent or overconfident and end up creating an uncontrollable mess for themselves which is nothing but a tip of the ice-berg.

In the last couple of months, I’ve seen two students gone back to their home countries after spending their job search visa duration of 12 months unsuccessfully; they were not able to find a job. Good deserving candidates, above average communication skills, sincere, upholding moral and ethical values, who had the potential to contribute to the country’s workforce, would’ve paid their taxes and would’ve added value to their prospective employers. They have gone back.

“Good”, the Government would say, looking at their data. “We told you, students come here only to study.”

Yeah… right!!

I’m heart-broken to see their dreams shattered, I am disappointed to see that they have lost their battle to these incapable, incompetent, impotent, cheaters with deep pockets who’ve bought their job offers and soon will start selling job offers to the vulnerable after they attain their residencies. However, I am proud of the fact, that they didn’t bow down, they went down fighting. They didn’t compromise with what’s right. Yes, they have gone back, but they have gone back with their heads held high. They lost the job search fight but they didn’t lose their character.

I am sure the Government can refer to some sort of tailor-made data which is created, analysed and interpreted to make them look good (and they must since this is the election year) and claim that only quality candidates who are contributing to the country’s skills shortage and economic development are getting a chance to stay back after progressing through a robust visa application system. Good on you Mr Government and congratulations for implementing and executing these robust systems that can never be taken advantage of. You’ve added so much to our tax-free lives, uncongested roads and affordable homes. Can’t thank you enough.

 After winning the election this year, which as of right now, it seems you will (not because you’re good but because you’re enjoying a toothless opposition!) We wouldn’t be surprised to hear about a possible recommendation for the knighthood of your ex-leader and why not? He has done such a great job and I am sure you have the data to prove it. Please make sure to revisit your immigration policies and execute a plan that’s in conjunction with your existing brilliance. (As shown in this Simba’s picture here) 

Hello job seekers; for those of you who are genuine, honest and ethical in your approach, already here or planning to take the flight to NZ in pursuit of your dreams; sorry to say this, but it’s a long road ahead. You are mistaken if you think things are going to be lined up easy for you. The sooner you realise this the better it is for you. Unlike your agent who has shown and sold you a great picture and future here in NZ, the Government here has a different claim & expectation (especially starting from last quarter of 2016), they feel you are coming to NZ for their “world class education” and then you will go back. If that is so, I would say, nothing like it. Come, study, have fun and go back. But if you want to settle down in NZ and on top of it, you’re honest??

My first reaction is, OMG……. & May God be with you!!

And my second reaction, which is more like a recommendation. I’d say, you would now need to fasten your seat belts and get ready for this bumpy ride, you would need a lot of preparation, determination and strategic execution to get what you’re after.

My Recommendations

Preparation & Research: You should do enough pre-arrival preparation and post-arrival research keeping your employability to the core. Reach out to organisations and groups like ‘Auckland Regional Migrant Services’, ‘Migrant Action Trust’ or ‘New Zealand Chamber of Commerce’ for free suggestions on Kiwi Format CVs, Cover Letters and other Job Search Strategies including an introduction to the local Kiwi work environment and chance to network with locally experienced professionals and industry experts.

Network & Volunteering: You should try to attend at least 2 networking events from your industry and interests every week. Download the ‘MeetUp’ application on your smartphone and look for events near you. #AskARecruiter could be a good option. Currently in Auckland but soon to be available in Wellington and then in Australia. Find out, who needs your services and if required, be prepared to volunteer in your industry. If you NEED a PAID part-time work while studying to cover your living expenses (which usually will be an unskilled work), I’m sorry you’re playing with the system. You were clearly asked while your visa was getting approved if you have the money to support yourself? You not only said, “Yes” but you provided evidence of funds in your account as a proof. Now, you opting to work part-time at a diary, fuel station, fast-food/takeaway joint, or with a cleaning company while studying will obviously give you money but even you know, it will NOT give you the industry experience. You can’t blame the Government for everything… can you?

Study & Upskill: So, you’ve come here to study…right? Then I have an idea for you… STUDY. Make sure your grade are all As & Bs and remember, these recommendations are only for the honest people. If you’re honest and want to settle down in the country, please study whole-heartedly. A study in NZ is more research oriented unlike other parts of the world. If your classes are 10-20 hours a week, you should be spending another 10-20 hours in research for your assignments/projects/papers and make sure you’re spending rest of the time upskilling yourself. Identify the areas that need your attention by analysing your industry and look for courses on Coursera or other free websites. For all courses on Coursera; you can explore lectures and non-graded material for free, however, prices shown reflect the cost for the complete course experience, including graded assignments and certificates. Find out if there’s any specific requirement of certification in your industry that can add value to your profile and then go for it. You should be constantly upskilling yourself and compensating for the lack of experience (if that’s the case).

Communication & Social Media: Download ‘iHeartRADIO’ on your smartphone and keep listening to ‘NewsTalk ZB Auckland’, ‘NewsTalk ZB Wellington’ or ‘NewsTalk ZB Christchurch’ for the latest that’s happening in your communities and get used to the local language and accent. Like Facebook pages from local events, groups, TV channels, current affairs programs, politicians, associations and read how Kiwis talk & engage. Follow your industry’s leaders on Twitter and learn from them free-of-cost and once you are confident start engaging with them and for god’s sake, ask them the right questions…please. Optimise your profile on LinkedIn and find out if your industry is using any other on-line platform and don’t send any unsolicited invite to anyone.

Report Fraud: I’m not suggesting you become a revolutionary waving a black flag, marching on Queen Street in Auckland and or go out of the way to fight the perils of immigration/education/employment market. But if you come across something that needs to be reported, go on https://www.immigration.govt.nz/contact/report-fraud or https://www.crimestoppers-nz.org/about/contact-us/email-anonymously and inform the relevant authorities anonymously. As I said, I’m not sure if the Government has intentions or resources to handle these cases but at least as a responsible patron, you would’ve done your job.

Have a great attitude: Remember, everyone who have achieved their career goals no matter how big or small without refusing to bow down in front of short-cuts have gone through the same grind. Rejections were a part of their lives, they felt alienated, they had to slog and when you hear their stories you would realise even they had to go through all the ups and downs that you are experiencing right now. Don’t lose hope or your confidence because if that’s gone, getting your foot into the door would prove to be an uphill task for you.

So guys, let’s not worry about the cheaters with deep pockets. A. They are not reading this article. In fact, they don’t believe in reading this sort of nonsense. They don’t have time, patience and the required English skills to understand what’s written here. B. Even if they end up reading or understanding this, they will ignore it. You normally don’t find them (active) on social media, they are always crawling below the radar zone. For the Government, I have no idea why are they so hell bent on throwing this beautiful country to dogs or probably they just want to achieve their target of 5 billion from the education industry (by hook or by crook!!). Whatever the reason, this uncontrolled immigration/education/employment mess that has been created and was allowed has already started biting us back and I can see the challenges you honest people will have to face because the Government will now start tightening the noose and might change some of their policies to win their voters back.

Be proud of who you are, be proud of your honesty (which is the real Kiwi way) and be smart enough to create a pathway for yourself in this hostile environment.

Don't give up & don't give in. Just go out and EARN your job offer.


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